Sunday, April 6, 2008

Close-up Day 6

Good Day Sunshine (bum te dum dum ) Good Day Sun-shine (bum te dum dum) Good, Day, Sun,shine!  I took a walk down a sunny lane...
Love that song and its a beautiful day here in Ithaca NY.  Sunny blue skies and close to 55 degrees.  I started to tend to the spring garden and its a good thing - I have my prim roses and Texas roses starting to pop thru the soil.  It was a garden that was here when we bought this house over 5 years ago and I have slowly been weeding it (sometimes not enough), but this year like all years in the Spring I swear I will clean it up and keep it weeded as well as continue to weed and add to my dyers garden.  I bought Madder seeds this year and I hope to start them indoors this week and also sew them outside in a month or so and see which does better.  I have coreopsis (orange flower).  Hollyhocks (thanks to Grandma) and a few more mics. seeds in the drawer just waiting to be planted.  
 Here is my close-up for the day.

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