Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dyers Garden

I half hearted started a dyers garden last year - a few things; Dalia, bronze fennel, coreopsis and a few dandelion weeds.  This year I am better organized and have started some interesting seedlings; Indigo, Woad, Hopi red dye (I don't know what this is but my motherinlaw gave them to me - a sunflower??), Safflower, Madder, Dyers coreopsis, hollyhocks and a few more I can remember at the moment. 

 I'm very excited - my youngest will be 5 this summer and he is needing me less and less on a minute by minute basis so I have a few free moments here & there.  
Its really cold here - almost freezing the last few nights but I think its going to warm up and really start growing (a picture now wouldn't do it justice so here are the seedlings waiting for the earth to warm up a bit more before I put them out).


I hope they have enough time to grow this season...

Here is yarn that I have dyed with purchased dye stuff this past winter/Spring.  LOVE all the color, who says plant dyes are pastels??


  1. Wow! Just look at all that! All those colors, all that wool, all those little baby plants. I really need to learn how to crochet better so I could have an excuse to dye some wool! =)

  2. Those colors are great, I love how you have them displayed. I hope your little plants make it, it has been so cold. First it was too hot, too early now it is strangely wet and cold. Looking forward to the sun the next few days. The life of the farmer is completely intertwined with the weather.

  3. Oh wow! All of that is from plant dyes?! Amazing. Most of the plant dyes I see around are some variant of brown. I bet those would make some lovely FOs. :-D

    (Just checking out fellow Market Tote Swappers :-) )

  4. Those are GREAT!!!!!!! you are an inspiration to me.....I can't wait to do more dyeing!

  5. Gorgeous! I had to pause to say that, but now I'm going to read your old posts to see what I've been missing! Thanks for visiting Buttercup Corner. I will definitely visit here again. Love the natural dyes...

  6. I see the ad for the handwork position at your school on Waldorf world...
    How long do they keep that posted...isn't that yours?

  7. That is odd - yes I do have it and the time for my classes are all set - Yhea! Three days a week with two classes and then I pop over and pick up M. before 1pm - its great and the timing is perfect.
