Friday, June 13, 2008

Getting ready for Dye Day

So once again I am preparing for my third annual dye day. Its a lot to do - I have about 7 dyes. There are only 8 or so adults coming this year. I'm glad for the volume break this year - usually its around 15 adults. There are always many kids. My sons love to show them around the pond/stream.
Here are my empty pots ready to be filled.
Here is all the dye that I boiled up over the past two years and stored in the freezer/ref.

This is a yellow flower that spreads out for acres here.  The orange one is Marigold.

I found an amazing orange dye... Pear tree leafs! Crazy. Look at this color.  The one on the right is Henna.  Beautiful and filled with the essence of summer.
So now I have mordant all the silks,felt and wool yarn.  We might have a few thunder storms but the weather is looking promising (thunderstorms come late in the day around here).  Wish me luck and I hope to have the days photos up sometime on Sunday afternoon.

1 comment:

  1. Have fun, can't wait to see all the photos. I wish I could be there! My daughter is doing natural dyeing as a 4-H project, she would have loved this.
