Sunday, June 15, 2008

Here are some photos from yesterday - it was a great day and the weather was overcast and a bit spritzy but the pooring rain held off till the late afternoon! All went away with happy colors and the kids went away dirty, wet and tired!

Miss Thumbelina made a beautiful one.

We dyed silks, wool felt squares and wool Lopi (thick single ply) yarn.

There was Henna (brown yellow), Marigold (yellow), Pear leafs (orange), Madder (reddish orange), Black walnut (brown), Cocheneil (Dk pinks), Logwood (purple) & Indigo(Blue).  It was a nice mellow crowd that produced wonderful colors!


  1. Oh Jullie! that looks wonderful! SOMEday I'll make it up there for that festival of yours! someday when I can leave ALL the kids for the weekend! ;) Love you and I can't wait to show S. your well wishes for Father's day (you can tell E that I sent him up to Cabella's - a new store opened in E. Hartford). Love you -CJBR

  2. That looks like so much fun. I've got to get some silks and felt--Hels is so anxious to try dyeing this summer.

  3. The colors are so beautiful, looks like a fun day! I had to make a quick trip to Ithaca on Monday; I thought of you:)

  4. oh what FUN that looks like! (and I'm jealous of your grass, we don't have any grass here in the desert...miss grass between my toes)

  5. The colours look wonderful I have never tried pear leaves and had no idea that they gave orange. Is it a particular species of pear?

  6. Hi Helen, I don't think its a particular species but maybe the season?? These are picked right now (very early summer in NY) and I am drying leaves as well to see if that works. You can not boil the leaves - nice high heat for an hour than soak overnight and one more high heat then you can use the dye.

  7. Oh what a beautiful clothes line!
    I love it here, may I add you to my link list? Xxx

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Dear Poppy & mei,
    I would love it if you would. I can't wait to see what you have written about - Thanks.
