Sunday, July 13, 2008

Treasure hunt party favor

Good morning
My sons very first birthday party was yesterday and it was beautiful.  It was outside and full of sunshine and breezes.  There were water games, obstacle course & a treasure hunt.  I think that he really enjoyed himself (his brother too).  One big hit was the water slide.  I never had one of these and always wanted one when I was little - I think the neighbor kid might have?.  I waited this long to get one because they use to be timid with water sprinklers let alone a full on belly flop down a slippery plastic slide!  This year I hit the jackpot and boy are they doing the belly flops now.  Very funny to see kids piling up down towards the bottom of the "pool" end of the slide.  I was hooting and giggling the whole time.

This was the little treasure hunt I did.Lots of little goodies in squares of fabric that match the color I painted in the egg cartons (paper egg cartons).

I placed all the same color "packages" in one spot so there were only 6 items to find. You would think they would have yelled out "here's the purple" but they didn't. It was lots of crazy running around but then they all calmed down when they opened up the tiny prizes.  Besides the tiny acorns there was a fancy brown stripped smooth rock, a shell, stickers, tiny basket & "dragon tears".  Nice and simple.

More to come on my trip to Sunbridge College... I thought I lost one of my file cards for my camera but I found it late yesterday (almost went into the washer!).
Here is a nice photo of

Narsingh walking and spinning some wool - on our way to form drawing.


  1. Hey that's me :) hee hee

    I really enjoyed that walking and spinning.

    happy party time!

    I like the idea of wrapping gifts in scraps of fabric....I will use that idea in the future...thanks!

    THere is something for the book

    I was thinking that the funds for the book could go to the craft studio.....maybe that is a good name....Steiners craft studio

  2. I like the way you did your treasure hunt, very beautiful. I love the pile up of kids on the water slide.

  3. Oops! I used my partners ID- that is me, LisaAnne. I love love love the new header photo, I just bought some alum and cream of tartar to start our natural dyeing project, can't wait.

  4. My girls always love treasure hunts. Hels spent every morning at Kroka camp last week walking and spinning

  5. SO gonna borrow that treasure hunt for E's bday party! I'm gonna do a 'green' party with corn cups and bamboo sporks! :) aren't you proud of me?!
