Thursday, August 7, 2008

Rainbow colors

I am in love with rainbow colors.  I never was the foofie girly type that had rainbows and unicorns all over my room but lately I have just fallen in love with color.  Actually I have always been into color - I went to a university for art and I excelled in art in high school - I guess color has just taken over my life in a more pronounced way.  I am now dyeing everything i an get my hands on (and also fits in my big pot) with plant dyes.  I can't go for walks anymore without looking at all the plants and mushroom and wondering if I can get a color out of it. I think it is so important to surround you and young kids with the level of color that is appropriate. Color in the class room is so important too - not to mention beautiful. I hope you can see some rainbows today - why don't you post one??


  1. why don't I post one?!? cuz I'm a packin' fool today! see you soon!

  2. I have to take a picture of my handwork room.....I did the rainbow....

  3. I haven't seen any rainbows today just gray skies and cold toes! I will keep looking
