Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A girl turns 40

Sooo, can you guess where I was taken for my 40th birthday??

Las Vegas Baby!

We were so out of our element but boy did we have fun.  We didn't win anything fantastic and didn't lose the farm but had a blast!  We stayed in Paris - very nice with a great buffet for breakfast.  You think that one hotel is just "right next to this one" but its more like 2 city blocks just to get to the corner of the next block then another block to get to the doorway and so on.  I wore sneakers and only pulled out the heels for my birthday diner.  The Bellagio water fountain to music was really cool.  We had dinner at Yellow tail (fabulous sushi) outside and saw the water every 15 minutes.  Really nice - my husband gets real points for this one!


  1. Happy Birthday!!!!!Sounds wonderful!!! its so important to do stuff like that. how is school?

    My birthday is right around the corner and my family is taking me to Mexico....I am turning 30....some how I feel like I am going into this old age zone....I know it isn't really old age...it just seems so out of youth.

  2. Happy Birthday Julia!!!
    Glad you went into your next decade with a BANG!!
    Cheers, Sarah

  3. "Come ooooon! Get outta Dodge!"

    Happy B'day!!! What a fun time!

  4. Those pictures are GORGEOUS! You have a rocking husband! :) shake that bootie on the megatron baby!
    ;) -C

  5. that's a winking smiling face a hyphen and a capital 'C'. Sorry I saw the emoticon and it looked weird all together. :)

  6. Happy Birthday!! What a birthday trip, at first I thought you went to Paris, then I realized there are not that many lights in Paris. I only got to visit the farmers' market on my birthday...
