Sunday, November 23, 2008

Busy but loving it

Well I just got done a crazy 10 days with 3 days of rest and then I am off running again with Thanksgiving.  
I had a wonderful time at my show in Waverly (photos to come later).  I sold very well considering the economy.  It was great to spend that time with my Mom and Dad too.  My son had his 8th birthday and his party this week and we ended the 10 days with the Elves Faire for my school (photos to come).  I am going to do nothing today and waist away the hours reading blogs and shopping on Esty.  
We have about 8 inches of snow over the last two days and my brain is in Christmas mode.  Early this year!  I have another holiday show coming up in two weeks down in Ithaca and then Roc Day in January (where I hope to sell lots of plant dyed fiber).   
My kids in school are great - I am getting lots of info from my class mates and teacher (thanks!) and I hope to get more grounded in my teaching methods.  
My husband is finishing up the downstairs room (MY new Work/Studio room!!!!!) it was a year and half last August when it got flooded from 9" of rain in 5 hours. My husband can fix anything and rebuild very well.  It just take a reallllly long time to finish.  We have been looking at construction plastic and debris for so long that I really can't believe its so close to being finished.  I am really excited to set that up sometime after the holiday activities.
Wow - I feel like I just unloaded so much on you readers.  Thanks for reading :)
Off to Etsy!


  1. Wish I could come to one of your shows. It has been bitterly cold but no snow. I'm glad because I'm in Thanksgiving mode and don't want snow quite yet!

  2. I love your needle felted dolls.
