Monday, March 30, 2009

Maple syrup & banner

Well, the sap is done dripping & boiled down and I am enjoying a sinfully wonderful pancake with the pure maple syrup.  Very cool - I do like it and I will do more of it next year.  We got about 6/7 gallons of sap from one tap on one large tree.  It boiled down to a diners syrup jar full and what you see in the photo.  Yum!

I finished the Ithaca Children's School banner for a large building down town - it will be 4'x8'.  Its to advertise *Now Enrolling*.  How do you like it?  I'll take a picture of it when its hanging.  


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Our local group discussed making cards like this with the contact information for joining.


  2. We've had some good syrup as well. Our last batch turned out cloudy and dark--I guess we'll use it when making granola.

  3. Way to go! 6 gallons is awesome. This is our first year making I have a few posts about it. I need a sugar shack though we cooked on the open fire and it has a smokey taste.

    I have a yummy white bean & thyme waffle recipe if you want it.

  4. The Banner looks beautiful..:)

  5. wow I love the Banner....can you make a logo for our school? No seriously....I LOVE IT and I want you to doodle a logo for us!

  6. Beautiful banner, can't wait to see it when I walk around Ithaca.

  7. It looks great!...You did a wonderful job :-)
