Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nothing unusual

Unfortunately  I am battling the flu with my son and I have done nothing interesting this week.  The weather is breaking around here slowly but we will have temps of 50 degrees for the week upcoming.  That will be good - I will be able to air out the house and as my grandmother use to say "go get the stink blown off ya".  We got the dead limbs off the very large oak tree outside the computer room window this week - I guess that all that really happened.  Hopefully I will have something more for you this week. 

Here is a great Playlist of Snow Patrol - my new favorite band.


  1. Love Snow Patrol! I also like the new picture for your blog - the lamb. Hope you are feeling better by Mon. :) love you -C

  2. Oh I love that lamb, how gorgeous.
    I hope you get better..xx
