Monday, May 11, 2009

Great Weekend

I had a very nice Mothers Day - did you?

Happy Mothers Day to my Mom!

I had waffles, went to church and then off to the Farmers market for more food!  It was great.  The Farmers market is in full swing - if you are ever in town it is definitely something for your "to do" list.  However I would avoid it on Memorial day weekend - all the Cornell University parents are there because its graduation weekend and it is so full you can't move around!  So we will skip next week and go the following week for our noodle bowl fix.

On Saturday, I went to the Friends of the Library sale and got some great books.

I also went to my spinners guild meeting.  We chatted and then made buttons out of fimo/sculpty clay.  I highly recommend it!  You get the colors you need for your custom blended fibers and its really addictive!  Mine are the greens ones (what a surprise!) - bottom left.

My boys went fishing on Saturday and brought home some lovely fish for our pond.  They eat the mosquitos and its fun to "find" them through out the summer.


  1. Sounds like my kind of weekend! Your books look fabulous.

  2. that's so cool! where do they go fishing and then do they last the winter or do things eat them? -C
