Thursday, May 28, 2009

No camera - Boo Hoo

Hello, I'm sorry to say that my camera broke a few days ago and I feel like I am such a visual person - my words never do any justice.

I have been keeping myself busy with the end of school - lots of end of year reports, final projects wrap up for the kids, and then there is the cleaning...

I am planning a yard sale in two weeks  the attic has lots of space but my living room is atrocious,  I will use the money for my summer stint at Sunbridge College - Fiber Craft Studios for the end of June.   Its such a wonderful place to be.

Tonight is the Ithaca Parade. Now this is not your ordinary parade mind you.  There are stilt walkers, pie throwers, walking musicians, Belly dancers, Volvo's in tutus, and a chainsaw serenade at the end plus more.  Its usually an hour + long parade with way too much candy for the kids and its a sight to behold.
Lets hope the weather hold off...
"No rain, No rain, No rain"
Neil can chant so can you!

I hope to have my camera back in my hands at the end of two weeks - can I make it??


  1. you must get a new one before sunbridge!
    Did you get the new living crafts magazine? there are a bunch of fairy houses....I thought we should make some items for our fairy house and some gnomes to bring....
    I think we should make a gnome village where Sunbridge students will see it....since school will be out.

  2. I have some (8 bags) of Icelandic Sheep wool.. the Icelandics have both a fine under coat (thel) and a longer coarse over coat (tog)
    We usually sheer twice a year..
    If you would be interested I can get the micron and spinning counts for you..
    I saw on Etsy that you are in Ithaca so we arent far..

    Feel free to contact me with any questions,
    (love your work!)
