Thursday, July 23, 2009

Plant dyed hand knit socks

Here is the latest and the greatest from my last teacher training 

Its wonderful to spend time with people that share the same intrest and that are really really funny!!  This is what we did in one of the classes for the first week.  More to come.

Here's to a hearty laugh.

Dye Garden

Cochineal with Madder to get that deep red.


Look what we dyed!!

Look at the selection we get to choose from as well as what we dyed.


Most of us finished the first week and some of us (me) we were the proud owners of our first pair of socks from scratch.  I'm the brown ones in the middle. Oh happy day. 


  1. what a wonderful time!...The dyed yarns are so amazing...I can't wait to learn how to plant dye...Also, I love brown and think your socks came out great :-)

  2. Wow I love the colours.
    I have allways wanted to knit some socks. I've only have done 2 row on a pair I've started, which was about a year ago LOL.

  3. Oh my gosh!!! The colors!!! So stunning, amazing, wonderful. What great gifts Mother Earth bestows upon us!

  4. How beautiful!!! I just LOVE LOVE LOVE plant dyed yarn. Love. I always get a twinge of sentiment when seeing your pictures. Sunbridge is such a wonderful place. Maybe after the baby is bigger I can come back for classes.

  5. so beautiful!!! handdyed sockyarn, i love it so much.
    i think you have a wonderful time together.
    all socks are very,very beautiful.
    (sorry,my english is not good)

  6. I love the brown, yellow, orange socks!! beautiful!
