Wednesday, March 17, 2010

More - Fiber Craft Studios

I want to be clever like my friend at Teaching Handworks and make a video with all my pictures from The Fiber Craft Studios but it will have to wait for the weekend when I have a bit more time. For now, I have some clay work photographs from the fabulous teacher Michael Howard - you can order his book here - Michael Howard's book Educating the Will - it was a hard read for me but once inside the classroom we had some really great conversation to make the concepts easier to understand. On to the pictures...

Being at Sunbridge is such a nurturing place and anybody thinking of taking a Handwork/Applied Arts program should really consider The Fiber Craft Studio seriously. It a wonderful place.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. these are beautiful! who made the dancer? reminds me of Me-Me's Lladro (I think Cheryl has it now).

  3. I did! Its still not finished but looks better than here, even
