Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Germany & Hats

Well, I actually did go to Germany - how weird is that...however not there (below post)
It happened fast and it was all because of free airline tickets. :)
It was beautiful.

I am excited to be working with one of my classmates on a plant dyeing workshop/course/study over the next few months.
I am currently working on my final project for handwork. I am making hats from yarn I have dyed and spun. I am in need of research to go along with my paper. Anybody have a good article on design or color theory or hats in particular from Steiner that you want to share?
Here are some of my yarns I have spun up. Some have been dyed with plant material and some are natural. I have a bunch more and I am incorporating different materials and "how they spin" as well. There are many more colors and cant wait to spin more. This late autumn weather today bodes well with a cup of coffee and knitting on the front off I go.

1 comment:

  1. There are of course the days of the week qualites which all relate back to the celestial bodies Sun included.
    M purple, Tu red, W yellow, Th Orange, Fri Green, Sat blue, Sun white.

    also seen here
    however I learnt my from Eurythmy teacher.
    Blessings and love your blog.
    Alison, NZ
