Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Final projects for Handwork

This is the view that greats you when you walk into the main handwork building...sigh

Finishing up the Fiber Crafts Handwork Program this year was a bitter sweet week. I have had so many encouraging and nurturing experiences while attending throughout the 4 years. The strengthening of my confidence to lead a classroom is such a wonderful gift that these teachers have passed on. They taught me so much, Thank you.
My final project was to be "hats" but it turned into so much more. I knew that I wanted to spin all my yarns and dye them, so, that is how I started the project 3 years ago. Spinning lots of yarn and dyeing it a rainbow of colors. I kept careful notes and also colorful informative cards of my dyeing process. Once I decided upon hats I also wanted to bring more so I came up with the idea of doing a hat in every form of handwork that we were taught - Knitting, Textured/patterned knitting, Crochet, Wet felting, Hand Sewing, Machine sewing. I brought an example of all the yarns I spun and also got into all the different types of fiber that was spun, different sheep wools, alpaca, yak, angora, silk, bamboo. I discovered that I enjoy spinning much more than knitting (but I like both).

We finished up the book binder (with interchangeable pads of paper) with the papers that we marbled.

We had a talented visiting artist show us her puppets, these needle felted heads are just unbelievable.

We each made a puppet from the Indian Cinderella story. Using all gloriously plant dyed silks.

Deb's final project work. Knit backpack, knit white boots, beautiful wet felted boots with flipflop souls, mittens and such. Stunning projects, just wish she was able to come herself.

Madeline's project was deeply involved. She bought a few sheep fleeces - washed then carded them did plant dye research and dyed lots of fleece and the spun the wool and knit two sweaters. Spectacular project to see and it took her several years - start to finish. Lots of commitment.
Rachel's project was ambitious - she had never knit a full sweater. It was from this luscious alpaca yarn. She had visited the farm and picked it out and even knew which animal the wool came from.

Narsingh's project was delightful. A story telling apron of Jack and the Beanstalk. She had also gone through many changes of what she wanted to present and had many projects that she did but did not like.
Hurrah girls - we did it!

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