Sunday, April 3, 2011

Happy Spring

Boys are hiding Easter eggs in the living room - just like Cynthia and I use to do when we were young.

Beautiful color to bring us out of the cold into the warmth of the sun.

Trees are turning out loads of sap this year. We have tapped our third tree and we might still only get a large mason jar out of it. Its amazing how much you have to boil down to get syrup. We should be able to get sap for the next few days, but it's getting late already.
I wish you could taste it.
I spent my winter spinning quite a bit of yarn - mostly from a mix of wool and yak. Wonderful blend of fibers and wicked soft. It's expensive but really worth the price. This is my first sweater and it's turning out nice. I have to look up how to do the sleeves & neck as I fear I can not wing that part. I have been intrigued by this magazine Wild Fibers since I have become a spinner and I highly recommend it if you are too. Exotic fibers don't have to be a stranger to your basket of fibers. Camel is next on my list to spin.

I usually go bonkers over dyed fibers - usually from plant material but this time I decided to stick with the wonderful gray color. The Ithaca Farmers Market opened up for the first weekend this year and I bought some dried calendual flowers so I might start off my dye pots this spring with that - should make a wonderful warm yellow?

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