Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Natural Dye Day 2011

Dye Day 2011
What a wonderful day this was - color, beautiful weather, good friends.

Cochineal and Indigo

These are great bamboo socks from Dharma Trading Company - they soak up the color beautifully.

Henna (yellow) and Indigo. tied with rubber bands like a tie dye.

Henna and Cochineal pink :)

Eye candy

This was my stuff after everybody left. I can never seem to get to my stuff while everybody is there. I had a lot of things already dyed and these were waiting for the second layer. I got beautiful purples and greens.


  1. Hi! My name is Jessica and I live in Ithaca too. I have been really wanting to learn how to dye with natural plant dye, and I found your blog. Do you offer classes, or would you consider giving me lessons if I were to pay you or barter? I have a hemp coat that I had made for me but it was dyed not exactly as I had wanted so I figured I could try and dye it on my own.
