Monday, July 27, 2015

Adventures in natural dyeing

Once again I am dyeing the wool yarn for Green Meadow Waldorf School  This always gets me excited because I collect a lot of dye stuff for pots and couldn't possible use it all myself.  Willow tree tips, onions skins, marigolds, bloodroot, goldenrod, coreopsis, mint, black walnuts, lichen and mushrooms galore.  The list is endless and I always have a pot on the stove cooking or "waiting" in the corner.   For these yarns I always use alum and cream of tartar for the mordant and at most I might use a bit of washing soda to change the Ph of the water.  This year I used the stream to rinse most of the yarns to cut back on using the electricity for the pump - its amazing how much water just flows by the house - I need to use that more often.

 Yarn drying after the mordant process so I could store it before I used it.  There was a lot of yarn this year - almost double and I'm not done yet - just a few more over-dyeing to go.  

 I really love my yard

 I found many great oranges this year.  As always its so much fun to lay out the rainbow of colors and photograph them.  I will get them all out soon let you see.

 Onion Skins, tansy, goldenrod, osage orange all used one at a time but in the same pot so by the end it was all mixed up.

Madder and cochineal

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