Monday, April 27, 2009

Box - o - Wool

I have taken a leap of faith in myself and purchased a BOX load of white wool/alpaca roving.
It was a mess in the box and took days to straighten it all into balls.  They called it mill ends - I call it heaven, my husband calls it fuzzy.  There was wool floating around the house for days - but then again when isn't there!  I hope to spin it, dye it with plant dyes, & then sell it.   
Where you ask?  
Me too.  I think I'll put some of it up on my etsy page, there are so many good spinners there so... I also hope to do some craft shows this fall.  It will take this long to spin it all.  
What color do you  like to knit in??

I have done this much so far...  Not much of a dent but I'm truck'n along.

I also had all wool roving in the box.  You end up with an unrequested, all white, types of roving.  I was really pleased with what I got.

I have soaked these rovings in alum (there is more in the pot) and are now drying in the sun/wind. I hope to collect dandlions and willow leafs for a nice yellow to start off my greens for this year.  I'll try to put up a play by play as I go along.


  1. Oooh, all of that wool just looks great!...I love it...I am taking a spinning class in May and can't wait :-)

  2. Wow Julia, How exciting!!! cant' wait to see the progress! Good for you in making the "leap".

  3. Oh that is just magic. You clever thing. I look so forward to watching more of this...something i would love to learn to do..xx
