Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Plant dyeing

Well, the color that I was graced with by the Willow tree leaf is wonderful!
I love the fact that you can acquire a great yellow (all shades) from things growing in your backyard or side street.   For this I just trimmed a few low branches from a huge Willow tree and clip them with scissors and simmered them up.  When the plant matter sinks to the bottom of the pot (usually a few hours) you know that the dye stuff is ready to strain.  I usually never have the patience to strain and I end up regretting it because I spend more time picking the particles off the wool - and that takes more time than straining.  So learn from my mistakes!

The other color is from a weak bath of Black walnuts that have been sitting in a pot outside all winter.  I did strain this one because the nut hulls just disintegrated when I heated this one up.  I think it will make a lovely color for faces for my needle felted santas.

Here is a pot of Dandelion flowers that are just starting to sprinkle the lawns of the east.  I can see already (soaking overnight) that it will also be a strong yellow.  It's such a picture perfect pot with the blossoms floating.

For an end of year projects for my kids I hope to wash up a fleece that was just donated and dye with them.  It will take a bit on my part to get it organized for a 40 minute class but maybe I will make a day of it and stay through recess.

1 comment:

  1. I get so inspired to plant dye when you post pics.

    I signed up for a play do I hook up with yours?

    and Deb and I are staying at the dorms this summer and you are my roomy....unless you asked for another roomy on your request.

    And what is your facebook name?
